Learn How Strength & Fitness Can Improve Your Everyday Life


getting started fitness journey

I Hear Voices

I hear voices. All. The. Time. These voices are always kind, always sympathetic, but most of all they are loud. My friend Amy calls it “the nice lady,” but I think about the voice more like a kindly
grandparent who not just understands excuses but actively supplies excuses. “Why don’t you check your phone, dear?” “You look tired, you should lay down on the couch.” “You haven’t eaten yet, have breakfast/lunch/dinner/ice cream…” The voices don’t like discomfort and will give me all the reasons why not to. The constant mantra of these voices is LATER. My guess is
you hear it too. Continue reading “I Hear Voices”

Woman Starting Exercise Routine

Just Pick Something

I’ve been trying to come up with a new slogan for the studio’s new brand Wichita Strength & Fitness (WSF). One of my friends suggested naming the studio Wichita Training Facility (WTF) as in W(hy)TF am I doing this? W(hat)TF was I thinking? W(hen)TF will this end? Considering how most people feel about exercise in general it might have been more appropriate & at the same time, inappropriate.

Most of the time when people find out what I do for a living their first reaction is guilt, “I should really lose weight”. Then there’s the confession stage seeking absolution for what they’ve been eating. Lastly there’s complete honesty “I hate working out”, and I get suckered in. Every. Time. Continue reading “Just Pick Something”